Top tips for raising cash for #YourRoR  

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1.     Share, share and share again details of your fundraising activity. Promote via your social media networks, but also use emails and text messages. Keep the content fresh and change words and pictures but keep the message the same. 

Always include our hashtag #YourRoR and the link for donations 


2.     According to Justgiving, fundraisers with pictures or videos on their page raise 14% more per photo. So, get your phone out and take some selfies to launch your activity. Don’t stop there, take lots of pictures and keep posting them. If you want to use a range of pictures, take a look at our #YourRoR Flickr account.  

3.     Video is the most engaging content by far so try and get short snippets on your social media pages. The film doesn’t have to be long, 20 – 30 seconds works well for social media, but it will really help engage your followers, family and friends. Feel free to also link to any Mission Motorsport / RoR films on our YouTube account.  


4.     Tell people why you care, what’s your Mission Motorsport story? The more personal the story the better, but you can also highlight some of our testimonials or nice stats from our Mission Motorsport home page.  

5.     Set a target – how much do you want to raise? Either create your own fundraising page on our dedicated #YouRRoR page  or just tell people your target and ask them to donate on the main #YourRoR page. Letting people know how much you want to raise may just encourage them to donate. 

6.     Talk to us, we want to know what you’re doing. It gives us an incredible boost, but we can also help to promote your activity. Share your story wiht us on social media and include #YourRoR.

7.     Get other people involved, can your friends join you or can they set up fundraising activities of their own? 

8.     Don’t stop fundraising until after the event. 20% of donations come in after an event has ended, so make sure you take lots of pictures and videos while you’re doing the activity to share. It reminds people that you’re fundraising, proves that you’ve done it and helps to capture your audience and generate some last-minute donations.  

9.     Make it easy for them to pay… 

  • Make sure you include the link in all communications 

  • And give them the option to donate their old stuff instead of cash, more details available on the Virgin Money Giving website.  

10.  And remember, we’re to help. If you have any questions or need any help with any aspect of #YourRoR campaign, please contact Becky on

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