Job options for ex-forces personnel turbo-charged as Mission Motorsport secures electric vehicle training centre approval

Collaboration with the IMI means ex-forces talent can apply their high voltage experience to automotive sector jobs.


Mission Motorsport, the Service charity who run ‘Mission Automotive’ - the Armed Forces engagement initiative for the UK automotive industry - has secured Electric Vehicle Training Centre approval from the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), opening the door for ex-services personnel to apply their expertise in the automotive sector. With wide-scale electric vehicle adoption on the horizon as the government is potentially set to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles as early as 2030, the job opportunities for ex-services personnel will be immense as James Cameron, CEO and Founder, Mission Motorsport explained:

“Many forces personnel have extensive experience in handling high voltage equipment; it’s just part of the day job. It makes perfect sense to reapply this experience in the automotive sector which is currently facing a shortage of experienced and qualified technicians to work on electric vehicles.

IMI TechSafe™

“Working in collaboration and using expertise from both Mission Motorsport and the IMI, we have identified a win-win opportunity that responds to the automotive sector’s need for skilled staff qualified in working with high voltages. The IMI TechSafe™ recognition provides a real door-opener for talented services leavers and veterans who are looking to transition to new careers. Mission Motorsport committed to secure training centre approval which required a significant investment of time to get our team trained and ready to deliver the courses – all whilst coping with COVID-19.

“With more than 14,000 service leavers looking for new opportunities every year – and already having assisted more than 2,000 individuals into automotive careers in the last 5 years, we know that we will be able to provide a supported pathway for veterans to access genuine employment opportunities – as well as filling a very real skills gap for automotive employers.”

Steve Nash, CEO of the IMI added: “Mission Motorsport must be congratulated on achieving IMI EV Training Centre approval in such a challenging period. The team stayed focused on the end-game to deliver a training experience for ex-forces personnel that will put them in the strongest position for the best job opportunities.

“Despite the current challenges in the market, the automotive sector must be ready for the zero emission targets being set – and that means there will continue to be a focus on those who have the capabilities to work on high voltage vehicles. With IMI TechSafe™ accreditation, ex-services personnel give the automotive sector a real opportunity to get ahead of the game, addressing one of the big recruitment challenges it faces.”

IMI TechSafe™ is a standard to ensure the automotive industry has employees qualified and technically up to date to work on electrical systems in hybrid and electric vehicles. IMI TechSafe™ registration ensures that complex automotive technologies are safely and correctly repaired by qualified technicians. Anyone working on high voltages must be competent (as per the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989).

Mission Motorsport will be running its first EV course on 11-12 November 2020.

Laura Westrope