Woodland Experiences

Over the weekend of 18th July 2020, a handful of beneficiaries and their families came together on the banks of Lake Windermere for the first Mission Motorsport Woodland Experiences getaway. A host of activities were available from making a fire, cooking lessons, axe throwing competitions and even the simple pleasure of swimming in Lake Windermere.

Made possible by the Positive Pathways Programme, part of the Veterans’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, the Positive Pathways Programme  funds projects that develop and run activities that support the mental health and wellbeing of ex-forces.

Woodland Experiences is run by Paul Etheridge and Mission Motorsport beneficiary Ady Martin. Realising the benefits of the great outdoors on mental health and Post Traumatic Growth, the pair set up the community interest company in order to facilitate short getaways for those looking for some peace and solitude in one of the most beautiful and idyllic settings the UK has to offer. Situated next to a brand new purpose built YMCA facility, Paul and Ady are able to provide a wilderness experience with the back up of excellent on site facilities as and when required.

We look forward to hosting many more of these weekends in the near future, so if you are a beneficiary or you want more information on Woodland Experiences, head to our Contact page and drop us a line.

Several children made a bid for freedom after this photo and remain feral

Several children made a bid for freedom after this photo and remain feral

A veteran writes: “Good morning all, just thought I would say a couple of words. Firstly a huge thank you to the MM team, as always doing a fantastic job to help the recovery of their beneficiaries through not only motorsport but engaging with Woodlands to create another way of support, which brings me on to Ady and Paul, an amazing duo who made the weekend such a relaxing and safe place to be with new experiences for all.”

Woodland Experiences - Paul and Ady.jpg

“As for the site itself, wow. Words cannot describe… just phenomenal. For the first time in months I forgot about the outside world and managed to get a full nights sleep.”


“Thank you to all who attended, the usual MM family unit who always makes it special and thank you to the new families met who also made me feel at ease. Thank you to all the children who attended, their behaviour and manners exemplorary and I'm sure they all had fun and gained new awesome experiences. 100% a perfect place for mental health, wellbeing and recovery, thank you all, see you again soon.”

James Cameron