MM Gains Silver in ERS 2020 Awards

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Mission Motorsport is proud to announce that it has been awarded Silver in the 2020 Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Awards. The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.

“The Silver ERS Award is a lovely bit of recognition for the tireless work that everyone at Mission Motorsport does in promoting the Armed Forces veteran community and sharing best practice with others. This includes all of our volunteers who so often give up their time to enable us to hold events, support beneficiaries throughout the year and generally keep us energised in these challenging times” James Cameron, CEO said. James continued “We see the Employer Recognition Scheme as a natural fit in to the work we do with industry, a ‘no-brainer’ if you will, as it promotes the positive virtues of the serving and ex serving members of the Armed Forces and all the benefits they bring to society as a whole.”

Finally a huge congratulations to all those companies achieving their Silver award, and to those working hard on making the Covenant meaningful for the populations that they serve.

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James Cameron