Canalslam Success! Harry Fraser Completes Three Ultra Marathons for Mission Motorsport raising over £3,500.

We’d like to say a massive CONGRATULATIONS to Harry Fraser, our dedicated fundraiser and charity supporter, for his awe-inspiring achievement in completing the Canalslam—a series of three ultra marathons in support of Mission Motorsport.

Harry’s extraordinary effort saw him conquer the Grand Union Canal Race (145 miles), the Warwickshire Ring (111 miles), and the Leeds & Liverpool Canal Race (130 miles), covering a staggering total of 386 miles, completing each race within the allotted time.

This feat marks the conclusion of months of training and preparation, during which Harry, owner of Harry Fraser Vehicle Upholstery, pushed himself to his physical and mental limits. His determination to complete the challenge, while raising funds and awareness for Mission Motorsport, showcases a level of commitment that resonates with both the charity and the community it supports.

When asked why he took on the immense challenge of the Canalslam and why he chose to fundraise for Mission Motorsport, Harry explained, “I wanted to push myself and test my limits. As I entered my forties, the desire to prove that you're never too old for extreme physical challenges became stronger, especially as regaining fitness became tougher."

But this challenge wasn’t just about personal growth. Harry’s connection to Mission Motorsport runs deep. He first encountered the charity through his vehicle upholstery business at Bicester Heritage, where he met Andy, a veteran with a passion for craftsmanship. Andy, introduced by Mission Motorsport, wanted to learn auto upholstery, and Harry offered him the opportunity to hone his skills.

“I was inspired by the support Mission Motorsport provided to Andy and other veterans as they transition to civilian life,” Harry added. “It was clear that this charity was and is making a real difference. Andy is now an integral part of our team, and it’s an honour to give back to a cause that benefits so many.”

In completing this formidable challenge, Harry not only brought attention to the invaluable work of Mission Motorsport, but also managed to raise over £3,500 for the charity. These funds will be used to support wounded, injured, or sick members of the Armed Forces community as they embark on a journey of recovery and transition to civilian life.

Andy’s story, shared by Harry, is just one example of the charity’s impact. Through its extensive programme of recovery sport, Mission Motorsport provides support to the Armed Forces Community helping them to access support, build confidence, reintegrate into civilian life and even access new career pathways. The funds raised by Harry’s Canalslam effort will support these life-changing programs, offering more veterans the chance to follow in Andy’s footsteps.

To Harry, this challenge may have been about proving that he could still push his body to the limits. But for Mission Motorsport, it’s proof that the charity’s mission resonates deeply with those who witness its work firsthand. As Harry said, “It’s an honour to give back to a cause that benefits so many.”

Harry’s Fundraising page will remain open for the next couple of weeks. If you would like to donate, simply click the link below:

If Harry has inspired you to undertake a fundraising challenge, please contact the team at who would be only too happy to help!

Laura Westrope