Mazda & Team Rubicon Support

Mazda Motors UK has extended its support of military veterans with cars being supplied to Team Rubicon UK for their work in helping to combat the COVID19 virus, providing vital support to frontline emergency services and vulnerable communities across the UK. The cars were supplied through Mission Motorsport, The Forces Motorsport Charity, and prepared by SMH Fleet Solutions.


Team Rubicon UK is a disaster response charity that repurposes military skills and experience to deploy teams of highly skilled volunteers providing life-saving aid to those who need it most. Staffed mainly by  ex-military volunteers, who all have experience in hostile and character-testing environments - they deliver life-saving aid at home or abroad.


Every “Greyshirt” volunteer, whether a veteran or civilian, brings grit, determination and hard-won experience to humanitarian missions. In 2019 they helped over 250,000 victims of disaster in the UK, Bahamas, Mozambique, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Nepal and Uganda to name but a few of the countries where they are operational.

The Mazda cars will plug into the command structure of Team Rubicon UK and assist in the supply and training of PPE, running mortuaries and supporting logistics for the operational team. “Team Rubicon UK is standing up its capability and bringing in our disaster response expertise to help the UK to overcome the biggest peace-time challenge it has ever faced,” commented Ben Lampard, Director of Operations.

Adding, “we have been working alongside the UK Government, British Armed Forces and the UK voluntary and community sector to set up a national cell to organise and coordinate volunteers”.

“With the launch of Op RE:ACT, Team Rubicon UK is mobilising the UK’s military veterans who have answered the nation’s call for volunteers.  Our veterans have served their country with pride and distinction and they’re ready to step forward to serve again, this time on home soil. Now more than ever their unique skills and experience can help to protect and save UK lives.”

Chris ‘Stumpy’ Leech & Team Rubicon team member

Chris ‘Stumpy’ Leech & Team Rubicon team member

Mission Motorsport beneficiary & volunteer Chris Leech said “I had a fantastic day with Mission Motorsport delivering the cars that Mazda UK have donated free of charge for Team Rubicon UK area coordinators. The coordinator I dropped mine off to was very grateful as she had put thousands of miles on her own car during the Op React Covid response. “

Chris continued “I was happy to help as I am a Mission Motorsport beneficiary & a Team Rubicon volunteer. The day ended with a typical Stumpy clown trick. I was wearing grown up clothes for the first time in ages & managed to fall over when my uncommunicative left leg decided it didn't like my Geography teacher shoes. Apparently it measured a 4.2 on the Richter Scale. Luckily my cat like reflexes limited the damage to a bruised palm (the jokes just write themselves) & a scrape on my right arm. Regardless of that I had a great day out & I am glad to play my small part in the Covid response.”

“We have supported Mission Motorsport since their inception,” commented Jeremy Thomson, Managing Director, Mazda Motors UK. “The COVID19 emergency affects us all and we all have a part to play in the fight against the virus, we see the support of Team Rubicon as an extension of our support for military veterans and an opportunity to contribute in a small way to the fight.”



James Cameron