Our Guys did us Proud.

It was another hugely successful weekend for the Mission Motorsport guys both in the Inter Services F1 Championship and the Formula E Race At Home Challenge.


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The Tri Service race came from the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve near Montreal in Canada and taking part for the Veterans team were, Craig, Kev, Andy, and a welcome return to our team manager for Gareth.  All were taking to the track in a new liveried car which you certainly couldn't miss.  Qualifying was very tactical with the guys setting some excellent times with a different strategy of tyres, all the guys placed really well on the grid which lead to a promising race.  Unfortunately, the computer decided that it would be a wet race which meant that the strategy from qualifying was out the window.  An exciting race brought fantastic results which Craig taking second place, Kev a brilliant third and after suffering a spin early on Gareth produced a masterclass to finish in fourth.  Unfortunately, Andy's race ended in the Wall of Champions, but he brings so much to the team with strategy and tactics.  Next up on Sat 30th is Paul Ricard in France so join the stream from approx 14.45 by following the following link.


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For the Formula E, Lionel stepped up for the race at Berlin where he finished in 21st.  This event is more than just qualifying and the race, it is a completely different challenge which has to be mastered in a short space of time.  All the guys put in a lot of time and practice to compete in this event, but Lionel particularly has put in a lot of time and effort last week so hats off to him.  It also gave a chance to tell his story, his journey, and his association with Mission Motorsport.  I wonderful video piece was put together which was shown over the live stream and also a nice mention from Dario Franchitti in his commentary who was with us at Race of Remembrance last year.

Available on all @FiaFormulaE accounts across YouTube , Twitter, Facebook and Twitch.


James Cameron